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Hace 6 horas
He is a hot man , big dick too!
Hace 1 meses
What the fuck is up with all the MEDIUM cock when the dudes are preety big and thick. Marcos has an amazing big fat white cock that looks really fuckin" delicious.
Hace 1 meses
thick AF/ and laying on his thigh, yeah I"d say medium NOT!
Hace 4 meses
Medium? Are you crazy?
Hace 6 meses
Hace 9 meses
This dude is the happiness anyone needs, what a perfect cock he has!
Hace 1 año
That fat cock doesn"t look medium to me I would be happy to let him stretch my hole.
Hace 1 año
Perfectly perfect! 💙🤤💙
Hace 1 año
Hace 2 años
I"m pretty sure that Big Marcos is a.k.a. Marcos Piovesan
Hace 2 años
great fucker