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2 years ago
Very handsome guy!
3 years ago
handsome, sexy, smooth stud!
4 years ago
David Jones is masturbating in the movie "Cum on England" from Triga Films, first scene,at the right hand side of the group, he is standing around, jerking off, and nothing else. NOT TOUCHING, NOT SUCKING, NOT KISSING, NOT LICKING, NOT BEING TOUCHED, NOT GETTING A BLOWJOB...... BORING!!!! bye
4 years ago
David Jones has many names, and many videos: Mike Douglas, Jon Saunders, Jon Saunders. His movies are from Hard Brit Lads, Unicorn Media, Bad Puppy, ..... For Example, you can find an overview at or and just search his name. Have Fun! ;)
4 years ago
He is a model on HardBrttLads; I subscribed and he has an only one video but of a FullHD quality. Great !!!! I watch him five times a day and so on at night. :-))) True, not a joke....
4 years ago
THE perfect model. He has ALLLLLL. Why don't we have at least a few videos of that fream man. One vid and quality is 5%....kust to tease us...
5 years ago
Damn!... That David Jones got a ab trail I wanna follow on down to his pelvic trial; until I reach his great, bushy oak tree base of pure joy and pleasure... But, first; dem lips need some attention to detail... along with that neck... with just a drop of Honey BBQ sauce...
5 years ago
wowe, wowe, he"s HOTT!!!!