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Hace 2 años
That"s not Mario Cruz lmao
Hace 2 años
Pic is NOT Mario Cruz!
Hace 2 años
Os Marios estão misturados.
Hace 3 años
Yep, this picture needs to be changed. Mario Cruz, is a dark skinned, dark eyed, Latin Sex God, with more of a hairy chest, great build and wonderfully hairy thighs and legs. Maybe this one needs updating?
Hace 3 años
Muito Gostoso ele
Hace 4 años
there's another Mario Cruz....I always liked his work, too bad he did not do bareback...I have a DVD where he is gangbanged by women with stapons ....its good...he has a beautiful hole
Hace 4 años
This hot guy is long retired! Sorely missed hot ass! Loved taking Dick! Someone else is now using this name!
Hace 4 años
Bel étalon
Hace 4 años
Picture is NOT Mario Cruz.