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Hace 3 meses
I like Fernando very much!!! I"d love to meet him!!! I like his dong!!! I like his body and his bust too!!! I"d love to do and share lots of things man to man with him!!! He"s a stunning and astounding man to man inspiration on me too!!!
Hace 3 meses
Hairy woof
Hace 6 meses
Who has his scene with Ace Era?
Hace 8 meses
Damn that tight hairy body and hungry ass makes for the perfect bottom.
Hace 8 meses
Fernando is a sweet guy, saw him on bait buddies, he is quiet and very sweet.
Hace 1 año
There’s something about Fernando that’s super fuckable, he’s one of those guys who you just wanna carry around the room and fuck the hell out of them till there’s no cum left
Hace 1 año
The things i’d do to this guy are uncountable
Hace 2 años
Hace 2 años
He likes to call me peaches when we get this nasty!
Hace 2 años
Macho peludo é outro nível. Um homem completo, com características masculinas, e ainda com uma barba linda. Delícia demais... Agora deixo meus pêlos crescerem e ainda estimulo o nascimento de outros... meu tesão aumentou muito e trepo com caras muito gostosos.
Hace 2 años
Gostoso Eu O Desejo
Hace 2 años
I am sure this handsome hairy hunk is much taller than 152 cm!
Hace 2 años
His fine ass can get it!
Hace 3 años
i think i love you